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    印顺大和尚爱国爱教,待人如己,严于自律,学修并重。作为一名宗教人士,他心系国运安危,荷担如来家业。近几年,在寺院管理中坚持佛教传统,同时辅以现代管理理念,严加寺院管理,寺风翕然一变,弘法再造新颜。他制定了弘法寺“以戒为师,以人为本,以法治寺,旧新结合,以修为主,有序推进”之方针,立下“以道风建设为中心,以慈善事业和佛教文化为两翼,构筑珠江三角洲乃至两岸四地面向世界的弘法利生平台”之发展方向,虔心致力于构建 “人文佛教”之理念。在他的管理下,弘法寺不断发展壮大,中国佛教模范寺院,连接两岸四地佛教文化友谊的桥梁,最具活力的都市丛林。



    Venerable Master Yin Shun, PhD in Buddhist Studies, was born in 1974 in Hubei Province. In 2000, he became the Dharma successor of Venerable Master Ben Huan, one of the most influential and respectable elder monk in China.
    Master Yin Shun now serves on the following positions:
    Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of China;
    Chairman of the Buddhist Association of Hainan Province;
    Standing Committee Member of Guangdong People’s Political Consultative Council (PPCC);
    Standing Committee Member of Hainan Province PPCC;
    Standing Committee Member of Shenzhen PPCC;
    Chairman of the Buddhist Association of Shenzhen;
    Abbot of Hongfa Temple in Shenzhen;
    Abbot of Nanshan Temple in Hainan Province;
    Abbot of Zhong Hua Temple in Nepal; etc.
    As a manager of temples, Master Yin Shun adheres to the tradition of Buddhism, and also tries to learn some modern management. He devotes himself to construction of “the Humanistic Buddhism”. Under his administration, Hongfa Temple is gradually growing into one of the most vibrant urban temple and a Buddhist and cultural bridge that connects mainland China and Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other countries and regions. Because of his outstanding contributions, Master Yin Shun was awarded the title of “Prominent Chinese Monk” by the king of Thailand.
    Master Yin Shun attaches great importance to Buddhist education and transmission. He signed cooperation agreements with Peking University and Chulalongkorn University, and established Hongfa Buddhist College and Nanhai Buddhist College.
    Master Yin Shun is also a writer and an elocutionist. He edited and wrote several books, such as “Hongfa Series”, “Chinese Buddhism Ritual”, “Platform Construction of Humanistic Buddhism”, “Master Xu Yun and Jizu Mountain Buddhism”, “Explanation of The Diamond Prajna-Paramita Sutra”, etc. He accepted invitations of TV stations and forums and gave many speeches, which exerted extensive and deep influence.

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